Hearing loss and Memory loss: How are they related?

Hearing loss is caused by nerve damage or exposure to loud sounds or old age. It can cause stress and anxiety because when people cannot hear properly, they tend to get angry and do not want to participate in social settings.

They try and isolate themselves so that they don’t get anxious as they have eliminated the external factor. Ignoring the early signs of hearing loss can lead to permanent and severe damage of the ear.

To avoid hearing loss and memory loss, one should visit a doctor if they start hearing less or blurred and distorted voices.

Among many symptoms of hearing loss, the most disturbing and impactful is memory loss. Hearing loss is correlated to memory loss directly. This happens due to the following reasons:


When one is having trouble hearing and understanding, the brain automatically shifts more focus on listening than retaining. The increased concentration needed to listen, the brain is not able to store information leading to cognitive overload. One realizes this when he/she is trying to recall the conversation and they are not able to.


Since the person with hearing loss tends to withdraw from social situations and conversations, they isolate themself. The isolation leads to less stimuli for brain to process, it becomes lazy. If this occurs for a long period of time, permanent damage is possible leading to shrinkage of brain further reducing its result. The reduced function and results means reduced recalling and hence memory loss.


If hearing loss is not treated on time and properly, it can cause stress leading to degeneration of mental health which can further cause depression. Research has shown that depression changes how the brain functions which results in hearing loss and memory loss.


It is important to diagnose and treat hearing loss at an early stage to prevent increased damage. Hearing the sound of happiness is important for you and your recovery is important for us.